If you require urgent medical help which cannot wait until the surgery reopens, please call NHS 111 for assistance or visit www.111.nhs.uk
Brayford Medical Practice
Brayford Medical Practice
Newland Health Centre
34 Newland
Lincoln LN1 1XP
Email: LIWCCG.mailbrayfordmedicalpractice@nhs.net
Main phone number: 01522 543 943
Opening times: 7am-8pm (Currently open)
Dear Brayford Medical Practice patient,
A new and better way for the practice to triage patient requests and queries.
The practice will soon be introducing a new triage system.
We know many patients found the old system frustrating as it had a tendency to kick them off before they had completed the form! The new system not only will not do that, but comes with a range of other benefits.
Accurx is an online tool that enables patients to include more detail about their concerns, including attaching pictures if it’s helpful. This will help the practice triage patients more efficiently so we can provide the right care in a timely manner. Accurx also asks your availability so we can arrange appointments at times that suit you best. We will then be in contact in the usual ways.
We are making this move as we think it will benefit both the practice and more importantly you, our patients.
Introducing the Lincoln Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC)
From 2025, patients of Brayford Medical Practice will notice that some of their appointments for blood tests and other diagnostic tests will be at the new Lincoln Community Diagnostic Centre rather than at our surgery.
The CDC is a purpose-built, state-of-the-art facility offering MRI scanning, CT scanning, non-obstetric ultrasound, X-ray and echocardiogram, as well as physiological testing, including blood testing, ECGs, spirometry and FeNO testing.
Located on Beevor Street, and part of Lincoln Science and Innovation Park, the CDC is within walking distance of the surgery and also has plenty of free parking.
Patients will enjoy the same excellent care at this specialist facility, while allowing our nursing team do more complicated tasks .
Address: Lincoln Community Diagnostic Centre, Beevor Street, Lincoln, LN6 7DJ
Google Maps:
what 3 words
Link to see inside the Diagnostic centre:
Lincoln Community Diagnostic Centre - United Lincolnshire Hospitals
Dr G Li Wan Po and Dr R Li Wan Po