Who can have a home visit?

Home visits are offered to patients who are unwell and need to see a clinician but are unable to attend the practice. Home visits are for our patients who are clinically housebound or if a patient is too ill to attend the surgery based on a clinical assessment by our team.

It is important that you only request a home visit if one is required medically. Please be aware that you will be asked to give our staff a reason for the visit and details of your symptoms – this information helps the doctors to assess the urgency of the visit.

Based off the information provided an initial telephone consultation may be booked or a visit arranged. Please try to telephone the practice before 11.00am on the day you are requesting a visit. The clinician may wish to speak with you beforehand to obtain more details and assess further. Home visits are made throughout the day.

Nursing care at home

We work closely with other healthcare professionals who are part of our Primary Health Care Team working in the community, such as the district nursing team, midwives and health visitors. These services are provided by the Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) and are based at Newland Health Centre. You can contact them through reception on 543943.

If you have an illness or incapacity that means that you need nursing care in your own home, the district nurse will visit you. Patients who are likely to benefit from this service include the housebound, the elderly, people with a terminal illness, and those who have recently been discharged from hospital.

District nurses provide wound care, palliative care, continence advice, health promotion advice and advice on co-ordinating care packages. If you move permanently into a care home locally, the district nurse may be able to continue your care.

Frailty Nurse

As part of our Primary Care Network (PCN) the practice has a frailty nurse who conducts home visits to care home residents and housebound patients for some nurse appointments including reviews.