If you require urgent medical help which cannot wait until the surgery reopens, please call NHS 111 for assistance or visit www.111.nhs.uk
Brayford Medical Practice
Brayford Medical Practice
Newland Health Centre
34 Newland
Lincoln LN1 1XP
Email: LIWCCG.mailbrayfordmedicalpractice@nhs.net
Main phone number: 01522 543 943
Opening times: 8am-8pm (Currently closed)
Dear Brayford Medical Practice patient,
We would like to share some exciting news about a new triage model we will be adopting from 7th May 2024. Demand for appointments has increased dramatically in recent years and we hope this system will improve your access and enhance your quality of care.
Already, a large amount of triage is managed by our reception team. We plan to streamline this service, which will be overseen by one of our GPs. To achieve this, we ask patients to fill out an E-consultation to help us with the process. You will then be signposted to the most appropriate member of our team. Contact with a clinician may take many forms including telephone reviews, SMS messaging, and face to face reviews. A GP will also decide on the time frame of the appointment, prioritising those needing urgent care. We hope by working in this way and utilising our whole team appropriately it will ensure your queries are dealt with as efficiently as possible, and the accessibility for clinician appointments is improved.
Thank you for working with us through this change.
Dr G Li Wan Po, Dr R Li Wan Po and Dr Al-Kubaisi